
The notification API used to configure and display device notifications to users on their devices across different platforms. The notifications must be explicitly granted by users on an origin basis and only are triggered by the code executing in a secure context.


The app.notification.onReceived event is called when a notification (FCM, APNS) has been received.

  • Type: Function

    app.notification.onReceived = function (data) {};

  • Detail

    app.notification.onReceived has one entry argument which is named data.

    Parameters Type Description
    data Object The object contain of notification detail, like type, key, and details of notification.
  • Example
    Performing an notification received function configuration inside the app.js:
    // on notification received event
    app.notification.onReceived = function (data) {
        if (data.key) {
            var openedAt =;
            ref.child('nmis/' + data.key + '/openedAt').set(openedAt, function (error) {
                if (error)
                    console.error('set opened at failed', error);
        // show the relative page
        if (data.type === 'client')