For using the app version property, your app must have update page(html, css and js).
App methods are the basic methods of FrameworkJS that must be configured. In this section will be created a general configuration of the application. So we will explain in detail.
The name corresponds to CloadIO account name. After creating the account, the account name must be set in
to establish communication between CloadIO and FrameworkJS.
//------------------ config ------------------------------ = 'myApp';
//------------------ end of config -----------------------
Domain and ssl configurations to access files through the http protocol.
The domain is the url of domain and it is set in app.http.domain
. The secure sockets layer is protocol for web browsers and servers that allows for the authentication, encryption and decryption of data sent over the internet. It can be true or false in app.http.ssl
//------------------ config ------------------------------
// domain and ssl configurations to access files through the http protocol
app.http = {
domain: '',
ssl: false
//------------------ end of config -----------------------
It can be enable or disable all related functions to CloadIO. z
The first property is related to back-end codes. If you don't need the back-end, set the app.cloadio.enable
value to false.
The secure part is using a TLS connection. If you need to keep a secure connection, you can set
You can execute code on all devices remotely through CloadIO functions. To aim this purpose you must set true for app.cloadio.allowRemoteExecution
property. If you don't need to have an "allowRemoteExecution", you can set it to false.
The last one is puip, the path of saving users'data in CloadIO. By default it is set to '/clients'. Therefore according to project needs, app.cloadio.puip
can be changed.
//------------------ config ------------------------------
app.cloadio = {
// you can enable or disable all functions related to cloadio.
// if you don't need back end disable it.
enable: true,
// use tls connection
secure: false,
// you can execute code on all devices remotely.
allowRemoteExecution: true,
// public users info path
puip: '/clients'
//------------------ end of config -----------------------
This is about getting user's information.
When user installs the application first, if you set app.install.enable
value to true, user's information such as device token, time zone, etc. is stored with an unique ID. You can set it false if you don't need to this section.
The app.install.path
is the path of saving users' information. This is set to '/installs' by default.
//------------------ config ------------------------------
app.install = {
// track app installs
enable: true,
// install details path
path: '/installs'
//------------------ end of config -----------------------
In FrameworkJS, there are two kinds of app versions for configurations. The min version is set on CloadIO based path and a current version that you can change. If the min version is greater than the current version, an update page will be run.
For using the app version property, your app must have update page(html, css and js).
If you want to active the min version in the project, you must set true the app.version.control
You can change the current version value at app.version.current
property. The current version value is consists of numbers and it has a simple syntax. It includes year, month, day, hour, and minutes. These digits should be 12 characters.
Note that if you don't want the update page to be displayed, the current version must be greater than the min version.
The app.version.mvp
is the path of saving min version in CloadIO, it is set to '/update/minVersion' by default. Therefore, it can be changed according to project's needs.
//------------------ config ------------------------------
app.version = {
// control min version
// if minimum version be greater than the current version update page will be shown
// so app must have update page
control: false,
// current version
current: 202104031943,
// min version path
mvp: '/update/minVersion',
//------------------ end of config -----------------------
This section is about using auto-update on CloadIO.
If you want to use update, you can set app.update.autoUpdate
to true othewise you can set it false.
The app.update.auup
is the url of uploaded source of project for auto-update in CloadIO. It is set to '/update/url' by default. It means the project's file should be uploaded in this path.
//------------------ config ------------------------------
app.update = {
// auto update
autoUpdate: true,
// auto update url path
auup: '/update/url'
//------------------ end of config -----------------------
To determine the calendar, language, and time zone in FrameworkJS.
If used language in the application is left to right, the app.localization.language.direction
should set to ltr, like the English language, otherwise it should be set to rtl, like the Arabic language. Every language has an abbreviation word, So the value of the app.localization.language.code
property should be the abbreviation word of the used language.
The app.localization.calendar
property is for the calendar type. It is set on "gregorian" by default. It is clear that you can change it according to project used language.
The last section determines the local time. In app.localization.timeZone
, you should write the time difference between the application and Greenwich time.
//------------------ config ------------------------------
app.localization = {
language: {
direction: 'ltr',
code: 'trTr'
calendar: 'gregorian',
timeZone: '02:00'
//------------------ end of config -----------------------
When a user is not authenticated, you define a page name in the app.auth.fpn
to direct user to that page. For instance, you can define a login page when users have not authenticated so that to get the required information.
//------------------ config ------------------------------
app.auth.fpn = 'login';
//------------------ end of config -----------------------
In FrameworkJS, You can configuration the notification service.
For using notification service, should set the app.notification.enable
property to true.
//------------------ config ------------------------------
app.notification = {
enable: true
//------------------ end of config -----------------------
Here is to change the background and text color of the status bar in android and iOS devices.
For the background color, you should use a HEX code, to change the background of status app.appearance.backgroundColor
should have a suitable value.
For setting the status bar text color you can set app.appearance.statusBar
value in light or dark attribute.
//------------------ config ------------------------------
app.appearance = {
statusBar: 'light',
backgroundColor: '#000000'
//------------------ end of config -----------------------
The FrameworkJS uses this feature to increase product quality and performance.
If you set the app.statistic.enable
true it will send statistic data to FrameworkJS lab otherwise not sent.
//------------------ config ------------------------------
app.statistic = {
// send statistic data to framework lab.
enable: true
//------------------ end of config -----------------------